20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 59

vers vuur / fresh fire

A festival in the broadest sense of the word.

vers vuur is a literary festival in the broadest sense of the word. This festival by VONK & Zonen is organised annually at the magical site of the Blikfabriek, where literature, music, digital art, and readings meet. An unheard-of festival in a sparking location.

This was vers vuur 2024

Watch the aftermovie!
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 25
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 84
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 55
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 8
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 61
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 84
20240527 vonkzonen LRc Tim Theo Deceuninck 27
Drag show 71

This was vers vuur 2023

Watch the aftermovie!
Vers vuur Reanker 1 1
Vers vuur Dries 1
Vers vuur Scheldezonen 1 1
Vers vuur kampvuur 1

VONK & Zonen

Krugerstraat 232 - 2660 Hoboken

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